Monday, September 6, 2010

September already?

It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun.  At the end of June, I applied and got for a job at a library about 85 km South of here, and it seems that I've been in a rush since then. The condo has been listed and sold.  Found a house at the new place and waiting for banking authorization and the house inspection.  On top of that, I went crazy a few months back and registered in a series of trials in September.

Indeed, not very good planning on my part.

In August, some of us planned a camping trip at Sharbot Lake Provincial Park.  A camping trip which comprised of 8 humans and 10 dogs.  Yes, very impressive.  The good citizens in all of us opted for campsites that were set a good distance from the others, making sure that our dogs were quiet.  Well, mission accomplished in my mind.  : )

Our digital and video cameras were clicking away the whole weekend, so here is sypnosis of the two days we were there.  I'll try to give credit to the right photographers, but I apologize in advance if that doesn't work out.

For the most part, these pictures have already been on facebook, but I still wanted to add them to the blog as well.

Tucker and Jasmine make sure that Lyne doesn't forget any important ingredient.

If Jasmine wasn't playing or sniffing around, she was napping.

Tarot time!
Tucker waiting for his handler to join the group.
Sometimes, you take pictures, but you don't expect to have such a cool finished product.
Picture 1 of my two favorites of the weekend.  Jasmine swimming to her floating toy.  Photographer : Mutts and a Klutz
Finally, this is my favorite.  Jasmine swam to retrieve a toy, and came back to me.  Now isn't that a proud puppy?  Photographer, Mutts and a Klutz.
I truly, truly hope this becomes a yearly tradition.

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