Sunday, May 9, 2010

People read this blog?

Wow!  I had no idea.  I met a friend at a trial this weekend who told me she was anxiously waiting for new posts on this blog  Initially, I thought LR was my only reader but it seems that I acquired a second one.  ; )  I apologize for being so slow and will try to improve my posting frequency in the future.  I have to admit that my blog was originally written in French and I added this English blog later on to keep a kind of brag page for Jasmine's accomplishment.  Way back when I was in high school, I was considered quite a writer, but my every day job requires me to write only report-like compositions, all very blah and boring. 

The first blog "La carrière canine de Jasmine", was my solution to that.  It would be my place to write about our adventures in different dog sports and make it interesting.  That way, I would go to my original love, writing.   I may not have mentioned this before, but you may have noticed by my style of writing that English is a second language for me.  My first language is French and I really want to keep it alive, not only by speaking it.  If any of you have heard of a very good agility blog in French, let me know.  I'd like to add it to my list of "interesting links" on the French version of this work.

I started an English a few months later after the French one, but the work involved keeping both blogs updated, as well as doing the translation, was a bit too much.  It discouraged me and I didn't blog at all for several months.  Now, I'll make an effort to keep both running and updated.  The entries might be shorter, but at least you'll have the latest news. 

Thanks for the encouraging pat on the back. 


  1. I didn't know your original love was writing, but I have to say, I'm not surprised. I remember one of the first emails you sent me, I can't remember what it was about, but it was a long email to do with dogs, and it was SO funny. I think I replied saying you could write a humour book. Who knows, with all the experiences you're having with Jasmine, there's a lot of material... The fluffy little white dog version of Shaping Success? :-)

  2. I read you Blog, Lyne. And I have a link to it from mine.
