Sunday, August 22, 2010

You win some, and you lose some

The last few weeks have been chaotic, to say the least.   Not only am I changing jobs, I'm moving as well.  Jasmine's training had to be put on hold because of the required house visits, so I'm not as diligant as I used to be.

This weekend was the K9 Kup, and I tried to sneak in a few hours of training to avoid any agravations due to zoomies, failed weave entries, and so on.  Hmpf.  Sure, she didn't zoom away, but she did run clean either.  A very frustrating situation when you know she can be very good when she's "in the vibe".

I was very proud of her yesterday when she did a mean teeter at the training field.  She also respected our new "no zoom rule".  What could possibly go wrong today?

Famous last words.

Snooker course

Not my favorite game, but I admit it's fun when your dog follows you.  A fellow team member showed me a great sequence and I morphed it to make sure no flicks were involved.  We did a great beginning, but I goofed thinking I could "skip" a jump which was part a three part required sequence .  Don't know why I did that, because I never did before.  Bill, today's judge, told me he didn't whistle us off right away because Jasmine was doing so well.  Either that or he didn't see us skip that jump.  : )


Gasp!  Jasmine self-released at the startline!  Double gasp!!!  I was pretty miffed.  My mean lead-out champion cheated on me.  Hmmmm.  I'll have to work on that before the next "real" trial.  I got her focus back and finished the course.  However, I've thought about this and next time, even if she simply self-releases at the very beginning, I'm taking her off the field right away.  That little stunt took me so off guard that it resulted in her going off doing her own thing for a few seconds.  What's interesting is that even with that little joy ride, we still finished under time.  Jasmine IS a speed demon.


Nose touches woes....Startline stay is good.  Rear cross on the teeter, and she hesitates before "spot", but since we're still working on that obstacle, I accept it.  She waits for her release.  Good 2.  Completes the table.  Good 3.  Everything is going smoothly until.......yep, that darn A-Frame.  It's becoming a trademark of hers.  If Jasmine admires the view, I lose her soon after.  She omits the nose touches on the A-Frame and tries to run/play away.  My voice gets rough as I'm thinking "oooooooooooooh no, she's not pulling this on me today."  My weave queen doesn't weave.  (sigh).  I try her twice, no go.  I can hear my coach saying "LYNE, YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT TRYING UNTIL SHE GOT IT".    I agree.  I'll do as she says at the next trial or K9 Kup, I promise.  She also didn't do any of her nose touches.  Argh!  I think she self-released on the dog walk, and at the very end, blew her nose touch. Hmpf..  Listen to my voice when I say "jump".  It's rough because I'm peeved she didn't nose touch and self-released soon after.

All in all, we've had better days, but she didn't zoom away,  I'm grateful for that.

Here is the video.

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