Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flyball Practice And Other Antics

Spring fever is in the air and the dogs are particular victims. Saturday's practice was a bit bizarre because all the dogs are excited and not really doing their jobs. Their minds are elsewhere I think.

During the first recall, Jasmine cheats and runs beside the jumps. (Gasp!) The second recall is done perfectly (Phew!).

Box work: Jasmine isn't up to par as she was previously the last two weeks. I test my training method and I omit starting the box work with a tugging session. Consequentely, Jasmine is very slow and unable to focus. We also activated the box mecanism so she can get used to the noise. Mmm. We wonder if that's the reason she started to cheat again by getting the ball with her paw as well as hesitating before hitting the box for her swimmer's turn. Another factor may be the presence of strange dogs in the other lane. She keeps looking over to watch what's going on. Yes, she's the curious one. We'll see how it goes next week.

To be continued.

Who says dogs are not intelligent? I was at CM's place Saturday morning when Jasmine was standing at the patio door and, the screendoor wasn't locked. Oh dear. She didn't even ask to go outside but simply pushed the screen sideways and out she goes! Good thing the backyard is fenced. My apologies to CM because Tucker was closely watching Jasmine's antics. This is the same dog who learned how to open crate doors and steal socks from Jasmine.

Later on in the afternoon, I was doing some housework when I noticed that Jasmine was very quiet. A clear sign that she's up to something. Well, she was lying down on the gym bag (you know, the onefull of treats and toys which I bring to the weekly practices) and had figured out how to open the zipper with her nose and paw. Her head was IN the bag and she was indeed digging in.

Yes, she's a very, very bad influence.

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