Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Let’s not waste this good weather so I joined the weekly practice at the Krazy Kanines Dogs Club. Environment Canada is forcasting rain for tomorrow. My goal is to attempt Gregg Darrett’s diagrams 3 and 4 (see previous posts). I also remember CB’s advice to always keep Jasmine within my sight.

Please note that I’m not including the images of the diagrams from the DVD because, quite frankly, I prefer to respect the copyright.

Diagram 3 & 4 from the DVD "Great Dog, shame about the handler".

Diagram 3, 1st attempt: Success

Diagram 3, 2nd attempt: Jasmine leaves me to zoom so I take her in my arms and give my spot to someone else.

Diagram 4, 1st attempt: Everything goes well, except I set up my front cross too soon between jumps 3 and 4 so Jasmine doesn’t complete her 180 but follows my body and does a threadle instead. In my opinion, that’s worth a “screw-up cookie”. ; )

By the way, I’m now knowledgeable enough in the sport to understand why she didn’t do her 180. Wow! I’m getting good at this eh? (wink, wink) I take a few minutes to pat myself on the back.

Ahem, Ahem.

Diagram 4, 2nd attempt: Success!

I finish the practice with a 2 x 2 session. The poles are set in the 8 o’clock and 2 o’clock position. I use the command “Allez” to signal Jasmine to cross the poles.

Success: When Jasmine is on my right and must cross the poles from the left.

Must improve: When Jasmine in on my left and must cross the poles from the right.

Note: We were at the field maybe 1 hour but worked maybe a total of 8 minutes. I gave Jazz a lot of breaks in her crate.

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